Yes, that’s right. Worked on it today as I’m inbetween chapters at The Heavenly Bride and had some time. This is Taus’s field uniform. It goes back to an original design I had just a little bit.
Yes, that’s right. Worked on it today as I’m inbetween chapters at The Heavenly Bride and had some time. This is Taus’s field uniform. It goes back to an original design I had just a little bit.
Believe or not I still come to this on occasion. Real life is such a turd, though. Just when I thought I was home free a few months ago, boom the husband lost his job and I was back to square one.
But on the other hand this is good as Akashik’s original story was a bit of a cluster fuck. I’m able to see where I’m going better as I create characters, update files, and smooth out the kinks. It will be a long time from now, though, I’m sad to say.
Sorry! Thanks to the actions of others I have some things blocked.